Strona: Rozdziały w książkach i monografiach / Katedra Analizy Nieliniowej

Rozdziały w książkach i monografiach

  1. J. Banaś, T. Zając, Well-posed minimization problems via the theory of measures of noncompactness, in "Mathematical Analysis and Applications Selected Topics" (Editors: M. Ruzhansky, H. Dutta, R.P. Agarwal), J. Wiley and Sons, 2018, pp. 553-586.
  2. A. Chlebowicz, M.-A. Taoudi, Measures of Weak Noncompactness and Fixed Points, in “Advances in Nonlinear Analysis via the Concept of Measure of Noncompactness”  (Editors: J. Banaś, M. Jleli, M. Mursaleen, B. Samet, C. Vetro), Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore 2017; pp. 247-296.
  3. J. Banaś, N. Merentes, B. Rzepka, Measures of Noncompactness in the Space of Continuous and Bounded Functions Defined on the Real Half-Axis in “Advances in Nonlinear Analysis via the Concept of Measure of Noncompactness”  (Editors: J. Banaś, M. Jleli, M. Mursaleen, B. Samet, C. Vetro), Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore 2017; pp. 1-57.
  4. M. Lecko, Differential Subordination of Arithmetic and Geometric Means to a Sector, Current Research in Mathematical and Computer Science, Publisher UWM Olsztyn, 2017, 153-162.

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